To the Gamradt Gallery
Registration Forms - PDF
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2006 Photos:
Black Powder Event
'Vintage Open'
Sunday's Event

2008 Photos:
Black Powder Event
Sat. 'Vintage Open'

Nimrod Classic 2014 Events

DAY ONE - Saturday, May 17th

The 'Guv'nor's Cup' … amended for the 10th Anniversary!
60 targets – over 8 select stations on the 'Red' Course

8:00 AM Sign-In, 9:15 AM Start Time; $30.00 entry fee, not to include
lunch. Limited to first 40 shooters using vintage breech-loading SxS
guns made prior to 1941. Trophy to the 1st place shooter, and prizes for
2nd and 3rd places. Two additional birds will be added to one's score for
use of a hammer gun; and five additional birds added for use of honestto-
God black powder (i.e. NO Pyrodex, please). 'Non-compete' SxS's are
more than welcome to join in as a warm-up event…. as space permits.

‘Short-Shuckers’ Sub-gauge Pump Event…..!
60 targets – over 8 select stations on the ‘Blue’ Course

8:00AM Sign-In, 9:15 AM Start Time; $30.00 entry fee, excluding lunch.
Note: Be advised that any pump gun is eligible for this particular event if
complying with Rules 2&3!! Limited to first 40 shooters using a 16 gauge
or smaller pump gun and their respective nominal loads… see 'Shoot
Rules Section' on our web page for gauge 'handicap' details. Trophy goes
to the high-scoring shooter only, with prizes to 2nd and 3rd places as well.
Attend this one if for no other reason than to see Bill Roschi and Gary
Cheney short-shucking live rounds all over the grounds!!!

The ‘Vintage Open’
100 targets - over 15 stations on the ‘Blue’ course

11:00 AM – 1:00 PM Sign-In over the lunch hour, 1:30 PM Start Time;
$65.00 entry fee to include lunch, Juniors 14 yrs. & under - $35.00.
Limited to the first 75 shooters using either vintage pumps, any make of
side-by-side, long-recoil autos, or early manufacture over & under guns
as defined in our Shoot Rules.

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DAY TWO – Sunday, May 18th
The Nimrod ‘SxS Classic‘
100 targets - over 15 stations on the ‘Blue’ course

8:00 AM Sign-In, 10:00 AM Start; $65.00 entry fee - to include lunch,
Juniors 14 yrs. & under - $35.00. Limited to the first 75 'SxS' shooters
to register. Most any SxS qualifies due to their basic (antiquated) design.

BIG Reminder:
!! For SAFETY sake, we're again asking that all participants shoot with
vetted (i.e. checked-out) guns known to be in good-working order !!

Important Changes from last year’s event:

The good news is that there basically aren't any other than small incentives for black powder and
hammer gun usage in the 'Guv'nor's Cup'!!

Why the increase in fees? Over the past four years at Bozeman, the shooter
fee for the 100-target events was kept at $60.00, which did NOT include lunch.
However, Big Sky Sporting Clays customarily includes a hot lunch w/salads,
dessert, and beverage for the same 100-target event, which necessitates that
our 2014 fee be raised to $65.00. It is either this, or start skimping on the
quality of trophies which we believe is even less desirable. We hope you agree….

As before, participants can still officially compete in both '100-target' events
within the various categories listed below just as long as they do not compete in
the same category, should they win it the previous day.

Example:  A ‘senior’ shooter could win the ‘Seniors’ category for Saturday’s ‘Vintage Open’ ……and then compete again on Sunday, in say - the ‘Sub-gauge’ category or ‘Hammer gun’ category, but NOT  within the ‘Seniors’ both days.  The seven categories are as follows:

The sub-classes are as follows:
1) High Lady Shooter
2) High Senior Shooter
3) High Junior - Note: Vintage gun/low gun requirements are waived.
4) High Sub-gauge i.e. 16 bore & smaller, 7/8 th oz. shot max.
5) High SxS Hammer gun (this subclass is open on Sunday only)
6) High Pump gun (this sub-class is open on Saturday only)
7) Best score shot with a light field gun weighing no more than 6.50 pounds……regardless of gun mechanism type.

These, in addition to: the Awards for High score for Saturday’s ‘Vintage Open’… or High score for Sunday’s ‘SxS Classic’. To avoid any confusion, Please remember that our subclass awards system does NOT apply to either 60-target event held on Saturday morning.

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Although the ‘Nimrod Classic’ strives to place more emphasis on its camaraderie than competition, each 1st place winner of their category will receive a frame-able certificate and our small, golden target trophy; while 1st place juniors win a frame-able certificate and $50. cash award.

The four 1st place winners of the ‘Early-bird Warm-Up’, the ‘Short-Shuckers’ Sub-gauge, the ‘Vintage Open’, and the ‘SxS Classic’ will receive frame-able certificates along with their respective crystal Event Trophies.

Important Details
As in the past, only one ‘high-score’ crystal Event Trophy may be claimed by any one shooter regardless of what other scores he or she may post over the weekend.  In short, a second ‘high-score’ win will receive honorable mention at the Shoot and amount to ‘bragging rights’ only.  Note:  There will be an awards presentation at the conclusion of each day’s 100-target event to recognize our high shooters and various category winners, that we’d encourage you to attend.

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Although the clubhouse’s interior space is at a premium during the lunch hour, we will again be reserving the club’s recreation room for gun displays of special interest.  Those individuals wishing to display a firearm or two are simply invited to bring it along and claim your spot on a space-available basis each morning.  Many of you gotta’ be tired of seeing my junk by now, so it’s time for you to step in and help with this show-and-tell…..or I’m afraid we’ll be staring at a whole lot of ‘nothin’  !!


Each shooter entering one of the 100-target events receives a full course lunch as part of their registration fee. Therefore, those individuals shooting Saturday’s ‘Vintage Open’ - with a start time of 1:30 PM - should be on the grounds by 11:30AM to ensure that they have time to eat and digest a bit before their event begins. Additional lunch tickets for family members and friends can be purchased either day of the shoot for $5. each. Sorry, but no refunds for unclaimed lunches.


As always, volunteers play a big part in making this weekend possible.  If you feel that you would have an hour to spare at our registration table either Saturday or Sunday, we could sure use you to cover a single task job.  Ones such as handing out name tags, or our shooter discount coupons, or in simply adding a shooter’s name to a score sheet.  Just like at McDonald’s, we can have you fully trained in under five minutes for these low-stress jobs that afford outstanding career opportunity !!!  Oh, I should also mention that non-shooting volunteers receive a free lunch ticket for that day.  So, if any of you gals are in attendance with your husband and simply need a break to spend some quality time with a guy who is said to look a whole LOT like George Clooney (well, so I’m told!!)……  here’s your chance!   If interested, please contact us at (406) 363-0014…or you can volunteer that morning of the shoot.  

My mailing address:
Robert S. Harris
719 Loma Lane
Hamilton, MT 59840

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Engraving by Wm. Gamradt

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