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'Vintage Open'
Sunday's Event

2008 Photos:
Black Powder Event
Sat. 'Vintage Open

Nimrod Classic Entrant Rules
As formulated by the Rules Committee:
In order to promote the spirit of our event that salutes vintage guns, the
men & women who made and used them, and the outdoor pursuits they
engendered, the following rules will apply:

1) ONLY breech-loading side-by-side, pump, and long-recoil
semi-automatic shotguns whose makers and basic models were
extant prior to 1951 will be eligible to enter on a competitive basis.
As such, gas-operated semi-auto shotguns are hereby excluded
from competition. Over & under shotguns – generally coming in with
the more modern era of manufacture – are herewith excluded
competitively unless valid documentation is provided showing
manufacture prior to 1941. Further, a Winchester-designed Model
97, Model 12, or Model 42 pump shotgun must be of pre-1964
manufacture in order to be used competitively ……

(Exception 1: Note that there are NO ‘vintage’ requirements for
the ‘Short-Shuckers’ subgauge pump event except Rules 2 & 3.)

All shotguns will be limited to 10 gauge and smaller, throwing shot
payloads of 1-1/8th ounce or lighter of American shot sizes #7-1/2
or smaller.

(Exception 2: Under our Short-Shuckers handicap system of bonus
points, we require the use of industry-established, nominal charge
weights for each particular sub-gauge…i.e., these are max. loads:
.410 = ½ oz.; 28 ga. = 3/4oz.; 20 ga. = 7/8oz.; & 16 ga. = 1 oz.)
Further, a .410 bore must use the 2-1/2” length shell in this event.

All other makes and models not fitting this description of ‘vintage’ can certainly be used in an event, albeit non-competitively, should space be available……given that they also comply with following rules (2) and (3).

2) NO gun having either ported barrel(s), an adjustable stock
of any form, or sporting a stock made of synthetic materials is eligible to participate in a sanctioned event.

3) A gun having interchangeable (screw-in) choke tubes IS per-
missible to use provided that they are not of the extended variety, and that they not be changed for the duration of that event (i.e. make your selection(s) prior to the shoot and stick with them).

4) Vintage-era choke devices such as were fitted on the older,
single-barreled shotguns (ex. Cutts Compensator, Poly-Choke, POWer-PAC, Weaver Choke, etc.) ARE permissible, and will be permitted their full range of use due to their vintage status.

5) ‘Spreader’ loads ARE permissible to use in any gun; and may
actually prove advantageous in those old guns too tightly choked.

6) Unless shooting as a ‘junior’ or ‘non-competitor’, a ‘Low Gun’ starting position will be required until the moment that the target actually becomes visible to the shooter……just as in bird hunting, just like our grand dads’ would have done.

This starting position is defined for the purposes of our shoot
as the upper edge of the buttstock (or heel) being placed no higher
than the top arch of one’s armpit prior to mounting. Tucked up
closely under the armpit is as high as it can be positioned and
still meet the requirement.

7) Just because it’s old, doesn’t mean it (or you) shouldn’t work
dependably. Therefore, only three malfunctions will be excused per competitor/per 100-target event (and just two for 60-bird events) before it results in a ‘lost’ target. These glitches can be either shooter-related or mechanical in nature.

They include: forgetting to load the gun in either one or both chambers; misfires/hang-fires due to faulty ammunition or lock malfunction; short-shucking a pump gun; mechanical or shooter failure to return the gun’s breech block to ‘full battery’; failure to release an automatic safety or cock a hammer, failure to see the target, or even pulling the wrong trigger of a two-triggered gun.

8) For any contested malfunctions, ALL shooters shall abide by
the majority decision of his/her squad mates, with further appeal being made to our Rules Committee upon conclusion of the event.

9) ‘Short-Shuckers’ Sub-gauge Handicap System for 60 targets:

16 ga. 1.0 oz. max shot charge 0-bird handicap
20 ga. 2-3/4” only 7/8 oz. max “ “ + 2-bird “
28 ga. 3/4 oz. max “ “ + 4-bird “
.410 @ 2-1/2” only 1/2 oz. max “ “ + 10-bird “

Note: No vintage gun requirements for this sub-gauge pump event with the exception of Rules (2) & (3)……aside from the ammo.

10) When a shooter opts to participate without competing, he or
she can easily do so through either of the following means:

a] Instead of declaring (i.e. entering) yourself as ‘competitive’ in
one of our categories at the sign-in table, simply request a
‘non-compete’ sticker for your score card for that particular

b] Declare to your squad mates during any point in that event
that you have decided to go ‘non-compete’ and this will be
written boldly across your classification sticker and initialed
by the scorekeeper and the shooter in question.

This will allow you to then shoot your gun pre-mounted – i.e. strictly for fun - without the rigid scoring for gun/shooter error. Examples: a non-competing shooter forgetting to remove an automatic safety for the first shot, or failing to see the target, could conceivably ask for the target again - provided that the privilege is not abused to where it affects the efficiency of the squad.

11) From this point forward at our Shoots, ALL ties among
competitors – regardless of the event or category - will be settled by ‘merit’ , i.e. a shoot-off at day’s end involving a string of four true pairs thrown from the ‘5-stand’ course.

12) For the purposes of this shoot, a ‘Junior’ must be 14 years of age or younger,
and a ‘Senior’ at least 70 years and older in order to compete in their respective classes. ID may be required!

13) Both ear and eye protection are mandatory for the duration
of all events, as is full compliance with BSSC course safety rules.

Lastly, Please be thinking of

at ALL times !!

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